Levi thanks Beutin for having sent him various issues of the magazine LYNX and for Beutinâs review of his book.
Herrn Wolfgang Beutin Grindelhof 87/III HAMBURG 13 (Germania – Deutschland)
31 MĂ€rz, 1963[1]Â
Lieber Freund,
ich habe die Nummer von LYNX,[2] die Sie mir so höflich gesandt haben, empfangen und gelesen. Ich kann nicht sagen, sie leicht durchgelesen und alles verstanden zu haben: doch Sie wissen ja wie es schwierig fĂŒr einen AuslĂ€nder ist, besonders die politischen FachausdrĂŒcke eins anderen Landes zu beherrschen!
Ich danke Ihnen und Herrn Sant herzlich, fĂŒr das (ĂŒbergetrieben gĂŒnstige) Urteil ĂŒber meinem Buch.[3]
Viele herzliche GrĂŒĂe.
Primo Levi
Signor Wolfgang Beutin Grindelhof 87/III HAMBURG 13 (Germania – Deutschland)
Ringrazio di cuore Lei e il signor Sant per il vostro (eccessivamente lusinghiero) giudizio sul mio libro.[3]
Tanti cordiali saluti,
Primo Levi
Herrn Wolfgang Beutin Grindelhof 87/III HAMBURG 13 (Germania – Deutschland)
March 31, 1963[1]Â
Dear Friend,
I have received and read the issue of LYNX[2] that you so politely sent me. I cannot claim to have read it easily and understood everything, but of course you know how difficult it is for a foreigner to master the political terminology of another country!
I send you and Mr. Sant my deepest thanks for the (overly favorable) verdict on my book.[3]
Warmest regards,
Primo Levi
Herrn Wolfgang Beutin Grindelhof 87/III HAMBURG 13 (Germania – Deutschland)
31 MĂ€rz, 1963[1]Â
Lieber Freund,
ich habe die Nummer von LYNX,[2] die Sie mir so höflich gesandt haben, empfangen und gelesen. Ich kann nicht sagen, sie leicht durchgelesen und alles verstanden zu haben: doch Sie wissen ja wie es schwierig fĂŒr einen AuslĂ€nder ist, besonders die politischen FachausdrĂŒcke eins anderen Landes zu beherrschen!
Ich danke Ihnen und Herrn Sant herzlich, fĂŒr das (ĂŒbergetrieben gĂŒnstige) Urteil ĂŒber meinem Buch.[3]
Viele herzliche GrĂŒĂe.
Primo Levi
Signor Wolfgang Beutin Grindelhof 87/III HAMBURG 13 (Germania – Deutschland)
Ringrazio di cuore Lei e il signor Sant per il vostro (eccessivamente lusinghiero) giudizio sul mio libro.[3]
Tanti cordiali saluti,
Primo Levi
Herrn Wolfgang Beutin Grindelhof 87/III HAMBURG 13 (Germania – Deutschland)
March 31, 1963[1]Â
Dear Friend,
I have received and read the issue of LYNX[2] that you so politely sent me. I cannot claim to have read it easily and understood everything, but of course you know how difficult it is for a foreigner to master the political terminology of another country!
I send you and Mr. Sant my deepest thanks for the (overly favorable) verdict on my book.[3]
Warmest regards,
Primo Levi
Sender: Primo Levi
Addressee: Wolfgang Beutin
Date of Drafting: 2025-01-10
Place of Writing: Turin
Description:Handwritten illustrated postcard on which, in the upper left-hand portion, is printed: âTORINO / Piazza San Carlo / Place San Carlo / San Carlo Square / San-Carlo-Platz.â At the bottom of the card is printed: âItalia 61. Celebrazione per il Centenario dellâUnitĂ dâItalia. Torino Maggio-Ottobre 1961â (âItalia 61. Celebration of the Centenary of the Unity of Italy. Turin May-October 1961â).The postcard is a copy published in Beutin's book Die Revolution tritt in die Literatur. BeitrĂ€ge zur Literatur- und Ideengeschichte von Thomas MĂŒntzer bis Primo Levi, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Wien, 1999 (vol. 28 of Bremer BeitrĂ€ge zur Literatur), p. 155. We don't have the original document.Â
Folio: 1, front only
1The date is handwritten in ballpoint pen.
2The student magazine LYNX, edited by Wolfgang Beutin, was mimeographed in Hamburg starting in March 1960. In issue 11, released in March 1962, Beutin published his letter to Primo Levi, entitled simply âSe questo Ăš un uomo. Ein Brief an Primo Leviâ (âIf This Is a Man. A letter to Primo Leviâ), without adding either an introduction or comments. It can be found on pp. 4-6 of the magazine (and was later quoted in Beutin, Die Revolution tritt in die Literatur, cit. note 3, p. 147). Cf. the relative File.
3Levi si riferisce alla firma Paul Sant, che compare sulla rivista Lynx curata da Beutin. Si tratta in realtĂ di uno pseudonimo dello stesso Beutin, come si puĂČ evincere da un autografo dello stesso intitolato Authorâs Joy firmato «PAUL SANT (= Wolfgang Beutin)» e reperibile presso la libreria Antiquaria Kotte Autograph (https://www.kotte-autographs.com/de/autograph/beutin-wolfgang/, ultima consultazione 13 dicembre 2024).