022. Primo Levi to Hermann Langbein, December 14, 1969

In Short

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Note to the Text

Levi regretfully declines the invitation to the event organized in Brussels (January 25, 1970) to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.



M. Hermann Langbein
Comité International des Camps
Weigandhof 5
A-1100 WIEN


Cher Hermann,

je vous remercie bien de votre invitation: il ne me sera malheureusement pas possible d’ĂȘtre prĂ©sent Ă  Bruxelles au 25 Janvier, ce que je regrette d’autant plus, qu’il est vraiment trop longtemps que je ne vous ai vu, et qu’il aurait Ă©tĂ© trĂšs agrĂ©able pour moi d’avoir finalement l’occasion de rencontrer Kogon et AmĂ©ry,[1] que je ne connais que par leur livres.

Il va sans dire que j’adhĂšre tout de mĂȘme avec enthousiasme Ă  la «Kundgebung», et que je serai heureux d’apposer ma signature au Manifeste que vous voudrez m’envoyer.

Je vous serre bien cordialement la main


Primo Levi



Sig. Hermann Langbein
Comité International des Camps
Weigandhof 5
A-1100 WIEN


Caro Hermann,

La ringrazio per l’invito: purtroppo non potrĂČ essere presente a Bruxelles il 25 gennaio, e me ne rammarico soprattutto perchĂ© Ăš moltissimo tempo che non La vedo, e mi sarebbe stato assai gradito incontrare finalmente Kogon e AmĂ©ry,[1] che conosco solo attraverso i loro libri.

Va da sĂ© che aderisco ugualmente con entusiasmo all’iniziativa e sarĂČ felice di apporre la mia firma al Manifesto che vorrĂ  mandarmi.

Le stringo la mano con viva cordialitĂ 


Primo Levi



Mr. Hermann Langbein
International Committee of the Camps
Weigandhof 5
A-1100 WIEN


Dear Hermann,

Thank you very much for your invitation: unfortunately I will not be able to be present in Brussels on January 25, which I regret, especially since it has really been too long since I have seen you, and it would have been very nice for me to finally have a chance to meet Kogon and Améry,[1] whom I know only through their books.

It goes without saying that all the same I enthusiastically join the rally and that I will be happy to sign the Manifesto if you send it to me.

I warmly shake your hand


Primo Levi



M. Hermann Langbein
Comité International des Camps
Weigandhof 5
A-1100 WIEN


Cher Hermann,

je vous remercie bien de votre invitation: il ne me sera malheureusement pas possible d’ĂȘtre prĂ©sent Ă  Bruxelles au 25 Janvier, ce que je regrette d’autant plus, qu’il est vraiment trop longtemps que je ne vous ai vu, et qu’il aurait Ă©tĂ© trĂšs agrĂ©able pour moi d’avoir finalement l’occasion de rencontrer Kogon et AmĂ©ry,[1] que je ne connais que par leur livres.

Il va sans dire que j’adhĂšre tout de mĂȘme avec enthousiasme Ă  la «Kundgebung», et que je serai heureux d’apposer ma signature au Manifeste que vous voudrez m’envoyer.

Je vous serre bien cordialement la main


Primo Levi



Sig. Hermann Langbein
Comité International des Camps
Weigandhof 5
A-1100 WIEN


Caro Hermann,

La ringrazio per l’invito: purtroppo non potrĂČ essere presente a Bruxelles il 25 gennaio, e me ne rammarico soprattutto perchĂ© Ăš moltissimo tempo che non La vedo, e mi sarebbe stato assai gradito incontrare finalmente Kogon e AmĂ©ry,[1] che conosco solo attraverso i loro libri.

Va da sĂ© che aderisco ugualmente con entusiasmo all’iniziativa e sarĂČ felice di apporre la mia firma al Manifesto che vorrĂ  mandarmi.

Le stringo la mano con viva cordialitĂ 


Primo Levi



Mr. Hermann Langbein
International Committee of the Camps
Weigandhof 5
A-1100 WIEN


Dear Hermann,

Thank you very much for your invitation: unfortunately I will not be able to be present in Brussels on January 25, which I regret, especially since it has really been too long since I have seen you, and it would have been very nice for me to finally have a chance to meet Kogon and Améry,[1] whom I know only through their books.

It goes without saying that all the same I enthusiastically join the rally and that I will be happy to sign the Manifesto if you send it to me.

I warmly shake your hand


Primo Levi

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