News – LeviNeT at School

On December 5th, 2024, Martina Mengoni and Alice Gardoncini meet the students of the Istituto Superiore Luigi Einaudi in Ferrara. They presented LeviNeT project and discussed the figure of Primo Levi. More information and pictures here:

News – LeviNeT Seminars – First Event
The LeviNeT Seminars cycle starts on 22 November 2024, with events on literary and interdisciplinary topics related to Primo Levi and the project LeviNeT. These seminars are opportunities for discussion with Italian and international students on the thought and work of Levi, his German correspondents and his fortune in Germany, on the epistolary networks of the ‘900. They concern also the topics discussed in the correspondence: private and public memory, postwar justice, the possibility of “overcoming the past’’. The first guest is Simone Ghelli, post-doc researcher in political philosophy at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, with a conference entitled Social animals, then aggressive. The “naturalistic moralism” of Primo Levi. It will be an opportunity to discuss his book La vita è ingiusta. Il doloroso darwinismo di Primo Levi, released this year by the Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies Press in Naples. The seminars are designed for students of the University of Ferrara, to the teachers and to the citizens.
Appointment on Friday, November 22 at 15 in Room 2, Polo Adelardi (via degli Adelardi 33, Ferrara).
The live streaming can be followed here:

For information:
Presentation of The LeviNeT Project
LeviNeT, as well as the correspondence between Primo Levi and Hermann Langbein, has been presented in Ferrara on Sept. 26, 2024 during the conference Primo Levi Letter-Writer. The LeviNeT Project. International scholars, the translators involved in the project and the curators participated, and a theatrical reading of the letters by Valter Malosti closed the day.

Lectures, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops
- 15th February 2023. Scuola Superiore of the University of Udine. Lecture by Martina Mengoni entitled Primo Levi europeo for the course in La traduzione: teorie e metodi (prof. Silvia Contarini).
- 28th September 2023. Reserchers’ Night at the University of Ferrara, Piazza Castello. Open-access workshop on letters and typewritten documents for Ferrarese citizenship. Title:“È la lettera che stavo aspettando”. Primo Levi scrive ai lettori tedeschi.
- 5th December 2023. Istituto Italiano di Studi Filosofici, Napoli. Presentation of Levi’s correspondences within Martina Mengoni’s lecture Genesi di un concetto: I sommersi e i salvati.
- 6th-7th February 2024. UniFe orienta, Ferrara Fiere. Workshop on letters and typewritten documents for Ferrarese high-school students. Title:“È la lettera che stavo aspettando”. Primo Levi scrive ai lettori tedeschi.
- 4th-5th April 2024. Conference Italianistica digitale: la ricerca dei giovani studiosi, Macerata. Paper by Alice Gardoncini Lettere di tedeschi nell’era digitale. Primo Levi e il progetto LeviNeT.
- 9th-11th May 2024. Conference Genesis Bologna 2024. Costants and Variants in Genetic Criticism, Bologna and Ferrara. Papers by Martina Mengoni (From the German correspondence to Vanadio: genesis and epistolary antecedents of a story by Primo Levi) and Alice Gardoncini (Tre rifrazioni di Se questo è un uomo in Germania).
- 26th September 2024. Conference Primo Levi scrittore di lettere. Il progetto LeviNeT, Ferrara. Presentation of the Project and papers by Martina Mengoni, Alice Gardoncini and Flavia Palma.