058. Primo Levi to Hermann Langbein, November 3, 1983

In Short

Related Contents

Note to the Text

A translation of Menschen in Auschwitz (People in Auschwitz) published by Mursia is brought up again; the book is scheduled to be released in the spring of 1984. Levi also offers some bibliographical advice to Langbein.

Torino, 3/11/83[1]


Cher Hermann,

je fais suite immĂ©diate Ă  ma lettre du 31 Octobre. Je viens de parler avec M. Castoldi, qui a substituĂ© M. Turri comme chef-rĂ©dacteur chez Mursia. Il m’a dit que ton livre est dĂ©ja traduit et composĂ©; les Ă©preuves d’impression sont dĂ©ja lĂ , et il va m’en envoyer une copie afin d’éclaircir quelques points. Le livre devrait ĂȘtre en vente en Avril 1984. La traduction, m’a-t-il dit, est intĂ©grale.[2]

Je reviens pour un moment sur la question Zyklon. Connais-tu le livre de J. Borkin, The Crime & Punishment of I.G. Farben, Mac Millan, 1978?[3] Il contient plusieurs dĂ©tails sur les rapports entre IG Farben et SS Ă  propos du Lager de Monowitz-Buna, et Ă  propos des livraisons de Zyklon B, que (en vue de son emploi particulier) les SS dĂ©siraient sans Warnstoff: on ne sait pas si pour des raisons humanitaires, puisque le Warnstoff Ă©tait irritant, ou Ă©conomiques, puisqu’il Ă©tait coĂ»teux.

A presto rivederci! Toujours Ă  toi



Torino, 3/11/83[1]


Caro Hermann,

riprendo a stretto giro la mia del 31 ottobre. Ho da poco parlato con il signor Castoldi, che ha sostituito il signor Turri come caporedattore di Mursia. Mi ha detto che il tuo libro ù già tradotto e impaginato; le bozze di stampa ci sono già, e me ne manderà una copia per chiarire certi punti. Il libro dovrebbe essere in vendita nell’aprile 1984. La traduzione, mi ha detto, ù integrale.[2]

Torno per un istante sulla questione Zyklon. Conosci il libro di J. Borkin, The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, Mac Millan, 1978?[3] Contiene diverse informazioni sui rapporti tra IG Farben e SS per quanto concerne il Lager di Monowitz-Buna e le consegne di Zyklon B, che (in vista del suo particolare impiego) le SS volevano senza Warnstoff: non si sa se per ragioni umanitarie, perché il Warnstoff era irritante, o economiche, perché era costoso.

A presto rivederci! Sempre tuo



Turin, 11/3/83[1]


Dear Hermann,

I am following up right away on my letter of October 31st. I have just spoken with Mr. Castoldi, who has replaced Mr. Turri as editor-in-chief at Mursia. He told me that your book has already been translated and typeset; the proofs are already there, and he will send me a copy in order to clarify a few points. The book should be on sale in April 1984. The translation, he told me, is unabridged.[2]

I want to return to the issue of Zyklon for a moment. Do you know the book by J. Borkin, The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, Mac Millan, 1978?[3] It contains several details on relations between IG Farben and SS regarding the concentration camp of Monowitz-Buna, and regarding the deliveries of Zyklon B, which (in anticipation of its particular use) the SS wanted without Warnstoff: it is not known whether for humanitarian reasons, because Warnstoff was irritating, or economic ones, because it was expensive.

See you soon! Yours always



Torino, 3/11/83[1]


Cher Hermann,

je fais suite immĂ©diate Ă  ma lettre du 31 Octobre. Je viens de parler avec M. Castoldi, qui a substituĂ© M. Turri comme chef-rĂ©dacteur chez Mursia. Il m’a dit que ton livre est dĂ©ja traduit et composĂ©; les Ă©preuves d’impression sont dĂ©ja lĂ , et il va m’en envoyer une copie afin d’éclaircir quelques points. Le livre devrait ĂȘtre en vente en Avril 1984. La traduction, m’a-t-il dit, est intĂ©grale.[2]

Je reviens pour un moment sur la question Zyklon. Connais-tu le livre de J. Borkin, The Crime & Punishment of I.G. Farben, Mac Millan, 1978?[3] Il contient plusieurs dĂ©tails sur les rapports entre IG Farben et SS Ă  propos du Lager de Monowitz-Buna, et Ă  propos des livraisons de Zyklon B, que (en vue de son emploi particulier) les SS dĂ©siraient sans Warnstoff: on ne sait pas si pour des raisons humanitaires, puisque le Warnstoff Ă©tait irritant, ou Ă©conomiques, puisqu’il Ă©tait coĂ»teux.

A presto rivederci! Toujours Ă  toi



Torino, 3/11/83[1]


Caro Hermann,

riprendo a stretto giro la mia del 31 ottobre. Ho da poco parlato con il signor Castoldi, che ha sostituito il signor Turri come caporedattore di Mursia. Mi ha detto che il tuo libro ù già tradotto e impaginato; le bozze di stampa ci sono già, e me ne manderà una copia per chiarire certi punti. Il libro dovrebbe essere in vendita nell’aprile 1984. La traduzione, mi ha detto, ù integrale.[2]

Torno per un istante sulla questione Zyklon. Conosci il libro di J. Borkin, The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, Mac Millan, 1978?[3] Contiene diverse informazioni sui rapporti tra IG Farben e SS per quanto concerne il Lager di Monowitz-Buna e le consegne di Zyklon B, che (in vista del suo particolare impiego) le SS volevano senza Warnstoff: non si sa se per ragioni umanitarie, perché il Warnstoff era irritante, o economiche, perché era costoso.

A presto rivederci! Sempre tuo



Turin, 11/3/83[1]


Dear Hermann,

I am following up right away on my letter of October 31st. I have just spoken with Mr. Castoldi, who has replaced Mr. Turri as editor-in-chief at Mursia. He told me that your book has already been translated and typeset; the proofs are already there, and he will send me a copy in order to clarify a few points. The book should be on sale in April 1984. The translation, he told me, is unabridged.[2]

I want to return to the issue of Zyklon for a moment. Do you know the book by J. Borkin, The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, Mac Millan, 1978?[3] It contains several details on relations between IG Farben and SS regarding the concentration camp of Monowitz-Buna, and regarding the deliveries of Zyklon B, which (in anticipation of its particular use) the SS wanted without Warnstoff: it is not known whether for humanitarian reasons, because Warnstoff was irritating, or economic ones, because it was expensive.

See you soon! Yours always



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